Sunday, February 28, 2010

~WhY oH KnApE??~

Dlu dy yg mle2 mnx kpel ngan ak..mle2 ak x accpt coz blom redi...then ble ak da accpt rlation kmix lme mne pon...dy mnx kpel n dy gak yg mnx ptoz...ak trime je...ta la tyme 2 ak xde aty lgsg...mgkn trime pon sbb nga bosan ...hmm....paz brape bulan 2 dy carik ak blek...kmi kpel blek...kali ke2 ny pon xde prsaan syg...errrm....sme gak x lme...then ptoz blek...ak xrse sdey lgsg...huhu...ta r....lpaz kmi ptoz dy msok sngapore....lme xnmpk r dok pan uma day 2 ak rse laen sgt...tbe2 jek ak tringat kat dy...aty ny rse laen sgat...RINDU???nta r ak pon xtaw prasaan ak tyme 2...n at the same tyme ak hrap sgt dy blek...huh...plek...ak sndri plek ngan prasaan ak tyme 2...smggu ak rse cam ilng sbb dye blek...dy ad mcj ak....sbb ktowang x b' ak x ckap kt dye prasaan ak...dy lme gle kat sni...p ak x tnye...

x PhM lOrH~~

Nape ek llaki ny ske wat hal???ak xphm r...ble tyme dy syg gle kat kte dy snggop wat ap pon..but at the same tyme kte lom dpt nk accpt ble kte da mle mnghargai ap yg dy wat,kte da mle trharu ngan ckap dye,kte da mle syg dye,kte da bg aty kte ckit2 kt dy,,dy plak yg wat prangai!!!xpham btol syg msty dy sntiase tggu kan????hmm ntah lah.....


Huh!!!!gram tol r...npe dy x sdor ag r ktowg xske dy dtg uma!!!!dok r uma ank dye yg laen!!!!mang r bpak ak pon ank pkir r ckit...bpak ak bkn dok uma....dye kje kt jhor...ko 2 skit!!!law mlm2 skit cne???spe nk bwak g spital????nk nek ap???bsikal or ko lg ske jlan kaki????!!!!tu stu hal...hal len plak...ko taw kan mak ak 2 bkan sihat mne....da r mak ak jge ank owg...mne nk nengok dowg nk nngok ko lagi....nk msak ag...ko 2 da r bnyk pntg...ny xley 2 xley...abez 2 nk msak ap???????huhu!!!!paz 2 nk kne injk ko ag...spe yg brani???mndikan ag...hmmmm....npe la ko x pker ek???ble bpak ak bwak johor soh dok uma pak ude ko xnak...lg2 law kne bwk ko g spital jb...hari 2 gak nk kne anto ko blek kluang...ngade xnk dok sne...npe???pak ude 2 bkn ank ko ke???wat da hell....abez tu bpk ak xya kje???spe nk bg duet???ko bnyk hrte ke nk warskan kn bpak ak t...ahhh~~~~~~~~~suda r...xphammmm btol!!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

~wHy i LuV mY MoM~

My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE:"If you're going kill each other,please do it outside, I've just finished cleaning."
My mother taught me RELIGION:"You better pray that will come out of the carpet!"
My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL:"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"
My mother taught me LOGIC:''Because I said so, that's why.''
My mother taught me MORE LOGIC:''If you fall out of that tree and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me!''
My mother taught me FORESIGHT:''Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident.''
My mother taught me IRONY:''Keep crying and Iíll give you something to cry about.''
My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS:''Shut your mouth and eat your supper.''
My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM:''Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck?''
My mother taught me about STAMINA:''You will sit there until all that spinach is gone!''
My mother taught me about WEATHER:''This room of yours looks like a tornado has gone through it.''
My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY:''If I've told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!''
My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE:''I brought you into this world and I can take you out!"
My mother taught me about BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION:''Stop acting like your father!''
My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION:''Just wait until we get home!''
My mother taught me about ESP:''Put your sweater on, don't you think I know when you are feeling cold?''
My mother taught me about JUSTICE:''One day you íll have kids and I hope that they turn out just like you!''
My mother taught me about GENETICS:''You are just like your father!''

my first monologue~~

hyE...hYE... And hYe aLL~~
nie first clote sye for the new blog..;D....sblum ini blog lame saye tlh didelete.sbb ape?sbb sukati la.huhu.ta de la.sbb saye mmg mlas nak uruskn blog tu.ta teratur dan entrinya ta best langsung!blog skrg pon byk yg ta settle lg sbnarnye.
tp xpe..i'll alwys update my blog after diz...(ye ke?)...nta r..wait n see je...